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4 WAYS OF VOMITS & MURDERS : 4-way split CD with MIXOMATOSIS ; R.D.B. ; FREAKHATE and BUNDER NECROMUNDA (brand new ultra sick & grinding release !!!) 10€

AGATHOCLES/UNTAMED : split CD (both their live performance on 28th of October 2006 in Nancy, France) 8€

AGATHOCLES/ARMATURA : split CD (the AGx songs where recorded November 2007 in a studio in Lima, PERU at their start of the S-American tour !! ARMATURA from Russia play great crusty grind !! sadly they are already RIP!) 6€

AGATHOCLES/GATT : split CD (on this great split AGx have 12 rehearsal tracks from 1995 ! AWESOME DIY stuff !! Indonesian GATT play crusty grind! 9 tracks with a lot of NAPALM DEATH riffs and hooks... SWEEEEEEET!!) 6€

AGATHOCLES/KERENANEKO/PROSUCK/RVOTA : 4 way split CD (Brutal GRINDCORE annihilation! Reissue of rare tracks from AGATHOCLES, new tracks from Malaysian mincers KERENANEKO and first recordings from Russian grinders PROSUCK and RVOTA !! KILLER !!!!) 6€

ANAL ODER NICHT SEIN/ROT IN SPACE/COPRONAUT : extraterrestrial excrement 3 way split CD (total electrogore fucking shit limited & # to only 200 copies !!) 8€

ARCHAGATHUS/FOIBLE INSTINCT : split CD (Canadian MINCERS vs. old school GRINDCORE from Ukraine !! KILLER release !!) 6€


BATHTUB SHITTER : lifetime shitlist CD (awesome Japanese GRIND attack !!!) 10€

BESTIAL DEVASTATION/DEMISOR : total fucking gore CD (awesome split release !!)10€

BOWEL FETUS : bloodsoaked doomageddon CD ( FETUS !!!!) 10€

CACOFONIA/ANARCHUS : life in Japan CD (both crush Japan with GRINDCORE !!!) 10€

***CANNIBALISTIC DISSECTION : compilation CD (Japan sapporo, hokkaido grind noise gore cult from early 90’s. featuring: “breeding maggots” 1993 deomo tape, “post-mortem dissection” 1994 demo tape and an unreleased rehearsal session from ’94.  brutal & raw NOISECORE sickness influenced by SORE THROAT, 7 M.O.N., STENCH OF CORPSE and early REGURGITATE!) 12€

CANNIBE : hideous human vintage CD (First full length of this italian goregrind brutal dual, now included Andreas from FLEISCHWALD on guitars. 37 tracks of pure blasting gore brutality) 8€

CANNIBE : sapor sanguinus CD (the fourth full length from these Italian sickos containing 8 traxxxx including a HEAMORRHAGE cover!!) 8€

CARNIVAL OF CARNAGE/BIOCYST : split CD (total goretorture stink shit... puke !!!) 5€

CARNIVAL OF CARNAGE : where's the beef? MCD (21 min. of heavy weight GORE !!!) 5€

CARNIVAL OF CARNAGE : they keep coming back 3" M-CD (6 slaps of fresh meat...) 4€

COLLISION/DR DOOM : split CD (COLLISION play some grinding hardcore and DR. DOOM are doing furious grind with slow parts !! ) 10€

DEAD FOOD : anger meats 3" CD (weird mix of lots of styles... including GRIND... JAZZ) 7€

DEAD INFECTION : corpses of the universe DIGI-PACK CD (blistering new release from Cyjan and 2 new members returning to the 'a chapter of accidents' period !!! fucking great !!!! incl. 2 videos from Burglary & After Accident !!!) 10€

DERANGED INSANE/INTUMESCENCE : split CD (Brazilian DERANGED INSANE play crushing grind including FEAR OF GOD ; UNHOLY GRAVE ; TUMOR covers !!! INTUMESCENCE are old-school goregrind addicts !!!) 10€

DORDEOUVIDO : o inferno e so um lugar CD-R (awesome devastating Brazilian grind/hardcore !!!!!!) 3€

DROGHEDA / DYSMORFIC : split CD (26 devastating tracks from U.S.A. based DROGHEDA and 7 mega fast tracks from Italian DYSMORFIC !!! totally crushing split CD on EXTREMIST records !!!) 10€

***EGROGSID : Sawn Off Throat Gun Double CD (Australia 90’s filthy GRINDCORE collection with 1992 demo, split lathe cut and split tape with WARSORE, split 7” with GORE BEYOND NECROPSY, split tape with CATASEXUAL URGE MOTIVATION, live , radio show/interview, compilation and unreleased tracks. more than 120 harsh & brutal tracks, liner notes by ex-bassist Ash Shaw!) 12€

FAILED TREATMENT : spread of infection CD (Previously self-released as a very limited run CD-R earlier in the year, this reissue CD is foaming-at-the-mouth full of classic crusty 'n cadaveric GORE reminiscent of early REGURGITATE and DEAD INFECTION!! Lead heavy and completely fucking vicious! Remastered with bonus tracks!) 8€

FAT ASS FUCKERS : support your local drunks CD (180% FAT ASS DRUNK'N'ROLL !!!) 10€

FETUS EATERS/DIORRHEA : split CD (US psychotic grindnoise vomitcore versus Italian powerfull grindhatecore nihilism! New out on GRINDMIND Records !!! totally INSANE !!) 10€

G.B.S./SEBUM EXCESS PRODUCTION : split pro CD-R (More sick BLAAASTING GORE from Australia and Brazil!! Professionally duplicated CD-R with full layout housed in black tray jewel case limited to 100 copies!) 5€

GERBOPHILIA : militeratogene CD (Swiss emoroidal sweet mince boost crust grindcore !) 10€

GODSTOMPER/IRRITATE : split CD (pro CD comes in 7" cover/package... AWESOME!)8€

GOLEM OF GORE/PUTRID STU : split CD (PUTRID STU (with members of SANGUISUGABOGG & SULFURIC CAUTERY) peddlers of some of the US’ most bludgeoning and hamfisted GOREGRIND around right now face off against bullheaded Italian gorefiends GOLEM OF GORE! FFO early 2000s Last Days, Mortician, massive meaty grooves!!) 8€

***GOLEM OF GORE/HUMAN PANCAKE/YAKISOBA/SEROTONIN LEAKAGE : The Ultimate Torture Of Modern Music CD (Two bands from Italy, two bands from the US, all united under the flag of the most infamous, repulsive and horrendous GOREGRIND! 38 tracks of pure sonic delirium, enshrined with the top-class artwork from Pierre / DePlasma Industries. Are you ready to be dissected, exhumed, devoured and then vomited?) 10€

HOL-A-WIT : el hueco de tu ano CD ( Awesome SIIIICK... gore explosion from Mexico !!) 10€

HORROR BLAST/SPLATTERED CAVITIES : split CD (total GORE mayhem !!!) 10€

HYMEN HOLOCAUST : Kissed by the dead...Touched by the deformed CD (here it is, the new masterpiece by HYMEN HOLOCAUST! it`s the 10 years anniversary album, expect pure rancid sicko-shit! all lovers of goregrind & porngrind and all fans of Hymen Holocaust will love this disgusting new album, it features some guest parts from the CLITEATER sickos! safe your daughters, wifes and girlfriends, this album will rip their hymen!!!) 7€

KATALEPSY : survival generation CD (old school GRINDCORE from Bolivia !!!) 10€

LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY / SATAN´S REVENGE ON MANKIND : The Heart Of Gore split CD (This is the meeting of two generations of old school GOREGRIND! In the 90’s LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY shaped the first wave of the genre. Since 2005 SATAN'S REVENGE ON MANKIND defend the heritage of the pioneers. This split release marks a historical encounter of GOREGRIND how it used to be. 100% straight, back-to-the-roots pitch shifter madness. This is THE HEART OF GORE!!) 8€

MAGGOTS : dead and loving it CD (total grinding dutch trashing gore! 32tr. 62min. !! ) 8€

MALFORMED GENTLEMEN/COMPULSION TO KILL : split CD (Yeah!!! MALFORMED GENTLEMEN are a GRINDCORE band from Tokyo, Japan and you maybe remember them from their crusssshing vinyl debut on MELTAAARGH!!!! ? COMPULSION TO KILL are a GRINDCORE band from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! So we get here a crazy faaaast grinding mad release done by REPULSIFIED MAGGOTS Asia!!) 7€

MASSGRAVE/STORMCROW : split CD (MASSGRAVE play some grind and even death metal fueled crust, think of Disrupt crossed with a pneumatic hammer: fast, violent, heavy! And Bay Area STORMCROW play some stench-core !! sweeeeeeeet CD!!) 10€
M.D.K. :splatterguts CD (awesome GORE puke... on VOMIT NOISE prod. Aaarrgghh... !!!)10€

M.D.K./CANNIBE/INGROWN/DISGORGEMENT OF INTESTINAL LYMPHATIC SUPPURATION : human flesh in putrefaction 4 way split DIGI-PACK CD (wow… this is a ULTRA siiiiick release, you surely know 1 of the bands no doubt BUT will LOVE all 4 !! DIGI-PACK opens in a cross with full color GORE art outside/inside !!) 8€

MEATAL ULCER : The Flesh Had Begun To Churn With Flesh Enthusiasm CD (Since being shat out into this horrible world in 2012, MEATAL ULCER has consistently produced the most heinous and psychotic cybergore imaginable – truly demented shit that can’t be faked! This CD collects as many releases as can fit on one disc from the beginning up to previously unreleased tracks from 2017. WHY WON’T MEATAL ULCER DIE?! Buy and find out for yourself, if you can stomach it!) 9€

MIXOMATOSIS : sang corrupta CD (Brrrr... total horrorgore from Spain... TU SUFRES!)10€

MONSTROMORGUE / SPIT BLOOD : split CD-R (total Brazilian split release ! 2 crushing bands that sound fucking great !! straight import from Brazil folks !!! comes with pro-cover !!!) 3€

***MORBIFIC : Ominous Seep Of Putridity CD (the debut of MORBIFIC is nothing short of a Finnish death metal milestone, rotten, vile and full of chaos but with pure passion for old school death metal!!) 10€

MORGUE BREATH : Postrarse Frente La Flema CD (Ugly, deformed, ripping and filthy GRIND/DEATH for fans of MACHETAZO, GRUESOME STUFF RELISH, early CARCASS and REPULSION! This foul feast is served up almost entirely by sole maniac Ivo (RADIATION VOMIT, THE MEN’S TOILET, etc.) with the odd rancid rant provided by some of Melbourne/Los Angeles’ most bitter!) 7€


***NECRONY : Pathological Performances CD (The long awaited reissue of the first full length of legendary NECRONY! Sweden’s NECRONY, with members of NASUM, existed during the first half of the 90’s a released a demo, a 7” EP, a full-length CD, a MCD and a promo tape before calling it quits. Their gore-ridden death metal has attracted underground maniacs since then forming some sort of cult status for NECRONY. Originally recorded in January 1993 by the legendary Dan Swanö in Unisound Studios, the “Patholigical Performances” album was released in July the same year by Poserslaughter Records, Germany. Since then, the album has been bootlegged in different formats. This is the first official reissue of the album on CD, remastered by Dan Swanö and with brand new layout done by Jakobson – The album sounds better than ever! Dan has unlocked details that I never heard before and enhanced the overall sound, making it heavier and more brutal, says original member Anders Jakobson. Released in standard jewel case with 12-pages booklet and slipcase!) 13€

NECROTERIO : a rotten pile of dead humans CD (BRUTAL DEATH on DEMISE rec.) 10€

NETJAJEV SS : s/t CD (this is Magnus Lundberg from monumental ULCERRHOEA !!! bringing some raw and hateful punk rock thrash from SPACE !! contains also all the tracks from the super rare 8" !!!) 10€

NOISE BRUTALIZER : the curse for wrathful man DIGIPACK CD (NOISECORE / NOISEGRIND from Indonesia !! limited to 300 copies!!) 8€

OATH TO VANQUISH : applied schizophrenic science CD (ultra sick brutal DM !!!) 10€

***ORIFICIO : apocalpsis necrotico  + primer compendium CD (Spain – Canary island deadly GOREGRIND old school, solo project of Manuel ex-GENITAL MASTICATOR new album + demo and a unreleased track as bonus.  23 brutal tracks influenced by 80’s and early 90’s bands ala CARCASS, IMPETIGO , XYSMA, DEAD INFECTION and AUTOPSY!)  12€

***PANCREATIC PURULENCE : complete purulent annihilation of the pancreas  CD (Netherlands old school GOREGRIND duo influenced by DEAD INFECTION, L.D.O.H. and AUTOPHAGIA. discography cd with demo/split with HYPEREMESIS, split tape with NASTY FACE and 6 unreleased tracks recordered between 2018 and 2022!)  12€

REBELS ADVOCATE / WENDOL : split CD (Polit​ical Crust​punk and ear-​​​shatt​ering​-​​​guttu​ral Grind​ sicke​n your sense​s throu​ghout​ the final​ offer​ing from both of these​ North​ern Calif​ornia​ based​ band) 10€


SHITFUCKINGSHIT : life of excess CD (New full album of Italian bizarre GRINDGORE attacker with members from 2 Minuta Dreka!!! Killer grind & gore attack!!!!) 8€

SLAPENDEHONDEN/DRILL BIT/BROM BRIGADE : 3 way split CD (Dutch sludgy powerviolence meets 2 Russian bands. DRILL BIT play fast thrash hardcore and BROM BRIGADE play some thrashcore !) 5€

SQUALID : Doctorate in Dismemberment CD (Collection of their 2017 demo, split’s with PUTRID LIQUID / BOTCHED ANASTOMOSIS J-POUCH and NAUSEATOR + previously unreleased rehearsal material from this 2-Piece GOREGRIND from Detroit, Michigan! A MUST HAVE out on TERRIBLE MUTILATION rec. from Australia and limited to 300 copies!) 8€

TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION : zen and the art of total fucking destruction CD (awesome new release from Hoak & T.F.D. !! besides 10 'normal' tracks they play also an acoustic session + video material !!) 10€

TUMOUR : too large for digestive capacity CD (Rogorge with another 59 splatter hyms!) 5€

VARIOUS : gods of guts : a tribute to CARCASS (15 Polish bands excreting15 CARCASS tracks

few old and a whole lot from the HEARTWORK/SWANSONG era !!! lim. To 500 copies !!! 10€

VARIOUS : 3 ways of armageddon CD including: IRRITATE ; SOCIAL CHAOS ; OLHO DEGATO ... pure grind !!! 10€

VARIOUS : eastern grind unleashed CD (4 way split CD with FALLEN WORLD ; TOOLS OF THE TRADE ; EYESORE ; NEGATION all AWESOME raw grindcore bands from Malaysia and Singapore !!! KILLER release !!) 10€


VARIOUS : ride the wings of tomorrow’s universal gore friendship 3 way split CD (ultra sick 3 way including feaces from PATISSERIE ; MEATAL ULCER & ORGANS TORTURED) 8€

VOMI NOIR : Les Myasmes De La Deliquescence CD (their 2019 full length debut in CD format! perfectly when you are in a lazy mood and just want to push your repeat button on the remote control for some endless guts, entrails and cadaver fun!!) 8€

WTN : black hearse DIGI-PACK CD (a beautifull discography from their GRIND roots 'till their later GORE excreting symphonies... including a unreleased REPULSION cover !!!) 10€

***YAKISOBA : Acid bath litanies CD (First full length album for this tuscanian goregrinders! 36 tracks, 29 minutes of gurgling goregrind in the vein of GENERAL SURGERY, DEAD INFECTION, REGURGITATE and CATASEXUAL URGE MOTIVATION. You'll soon hear the rancid sounds of acids dissolving your bodily tissues!) 10€